He approx. 9 inches tall--make him from osnaburg or muslin; a scrap of an Americana fabric, buttons, paint and alpaca fiber or sheeps wool for his mustache and beard.

She's approx. 7 inches tall from crown to feet.
She has whitish button eyes sewn on with embroidery floss; has a pinch stitched nose; stitch a red floss mouth--or don't!
Painted crown and dress with a scrap of Americana fabric for her banner.
Add a string in the middle of her crown to make her an ornament or just tuck her on a shelf.

Is approx. 7 inches long x 6 1/2 inches wide. Has little bead eyes and a painted red, white and blue body.
Comes with the sayings: Land of Liberty, Happy 4th of July!, Liberty and Justice for ALL!, FREEDOM and Independence Day.

Liberty Lady is approx. 10 1/2 tall.
Tuck her on a shelf or add a loop and hang her on the wall or a door.

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